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Monday, November 29, 2010

Local Business Center now Google Places and how it effects local SEO!

The swift or very informed firms or minds should know that now Google has recently rebranded its 'Local Business Center' to 'Google Places' while also making some radical and crucial new changes to the popular product.

These adaptations are being channeled out steadily and fast. Depending on the search term and the location, you may or not see them yet or only see them on some search queries.

Something worth noting down. The main new change is that ‘Google Place’ has become a new way to search. And going by the way it works it will be exciting if not interesting. Shouldn’t sound complicated, Once users have entered their search query. The first page of results will show a list of options for refining the search on the left-hand side of the page. The list may include images, videos, or books. Now, Places is one of the options. This will help speed and refine some searches.

There are other modifications to the way search results are shown which will make any decent SEO Company check their online campaigns. Google Place Search has now replaced the mapped listings and also the places listings push the rest of the organic listings below the fold. SEM agencies will now need to ensure that their client's sites are added to 'Google Place'.

Research will now have to be made to see what factors will affect where your site is ranked in the Google Places system. Reviews from other sites and listings in local directories are the main suggestions for improving rankings.

The fact that a well optimised site that was once top of the first page can now be pushed down to eighth! Which means digital marketing agencies will have to alter their local search optimisation campaigns, and fast before the new system is rolled out completely.

And this bring us to one most important point. We all need a new source of information regarding out search engine optimization and strategy you already are at it. Web&Marketing.

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